Who Are We

Who Are We?

Shiloh UMC is a small, welcoming congregation in the heart of Granite Quarry, NC.  You will find a warm, comfortable and casual atmosphere, traditional worship, and opportunities for in-depth Bible Study and serving our local community.

Come as you are. 

What We Do

Supporting our local schools:

Other Outreach / Community Ministry:



Our Nurture / Outreach / Witness team continues to vision and plan new ministries with our schools and local community along with other events / special projects throughout the year.  Come be a part of what God is up to at Shiloh.

Who are United Methodists?

The United Methodist Church is a global denomination that opens hearts, opens minds and opens doors through active engagement with our world. The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

A United Methodist is someone who joins in that mission by putting faith and love into action. We believe that God loves all people, and that we share in expressing that love. So the United Methodist tradition emphasizes God's grace and in serving others. We believe that Jesus Christ is the fullest expression of God's love--showing us the fullness of God's care through Jesus' teachings, death and resurrection.

John Wesley started the Methodist movement in 18th century England. His teachings on practical divinity (living out our faith) and appeals to reason and experience form important aspects of United Methodist practice today.

We invite you to learn more about our rich theological heritage at UMC.org.

For answers to more specific questions around the current state of the United Methodist Church, check out "Ask the UMC" here.

source: https://www.umc.org/en/rethink-church/topics/questioning/what-is-a-united-methodist

Meet Our Pastor

Rev. Dr. Craig J. Sefa

Craig serves as an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church and a Board Member of the Wesleyan Contemplative Order (WCO).  He regularly assists with spiritual formation retreats, contemplative chapel services, and School of the Spirit. 

Craig earned his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) from Duke Divinity School and holds a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary.  

He is the author of:

I Arise Today: A 40 Day Journey Through St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer

When Every Space is Sacred: Cultivating an Awareness of God’s Presence in Every Day Life

The Wild Goose: Embracing the Untamed Beauty of the Holy Spirit

His wife, McKenzie, also serves as a United Methodist Elder and the pastor of Bethpage UMC in Kannapolis.  They have one daughter, Ariana, born in 2014.  Craig is a husband, father, pastor, teacher, writer, musician, and amateur photographer / graphic designer with a passion for Spiritual Formation and discipleship. He seeks to use his gifts to echo the still small voice of the Holy Spirit in our noisy world. 

Contact Craig through his website, “Echo,” at https://craigsefa.org or by email at sefacj@gmail.com.